About the Pan-African Theatre Ensemble
Established by D. Amy-Rose Forbes-Erickson in 2016, the Pan-African Theatre Ensemble is a theatre practice-as-research group for academic theatre with Pan-African theatre aesthetics, open to community volunteers, KSU students across campus interested in participating in theatre research, and to anyone committed to Black theatres.
The Pan-African Theatre Ensemble incorporates new media and technologies with elements of performance art, installations, video, digital works in theatre for cultural activism – African, African-descent, Indigenous, and Middle Eastern cultures and peoples. The Pan-African Theatre Ensemble was established for pedagogy, scholarship, community, and for directing theatre seasons, curated from a repertoire of plays from Africa, U.S.A., Canada, England, Latin America and the Caribbean.
Photo by Eslah Attar
Photo by Eslah Attar
Recruitment: Open